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Justice action is a community based social justice non-for profit organization. We provide opportunities for interns to work directly alongside prisoners, academics, victims of crime, ex-prisoners, lawyers, and general community members. Internships with Justice Action are flexible and volunteer-based, tailored to suit the commitments of the intern. Our current interns work from one day a week to full-time capacity both during the semester and in the holidays.
Internships provide an opportunity for students to increase their awareness of criminal justice and mental health issues, as well as develop their research, writing, and communication skills. Interns are supervised by a staff member, and undertake work determined by the needs of the organisation. Interns will engage in policy work,, preparing tribunal and court cases, contributing to media releases and writing correspondence for lobbying purposes. In their work, interns will have the opportunity to interact with politicians, other NG’s, government departments and the media. They are involved at all stages in strategic decisions, often in high profile and sensitive cases.
We are looking for interns who are:
Relevant areas of study/experience:
As an unpaid opportunity, we invite all those to apply either through the WIL internship program for course credit. We also accept anyone to also apply as an individual to volunteer at Justice Action.
If you fit the description above, this internship is for you!
For more information about Justice Action, please visit our website:
To apply, please email your CV and cover letter to the Justice Action Coordinator Brett Collins at:
Residency Requirements: All candidates considered including international students